S ponosom predstavljamo još jedno predavanje u sklopu prvog festivala 'Župski pjat'!
Temeljem dostupne građe, literature i kazivanja autor izlaganja etnolog i viši kustos @dubrovnikmuseums Ivica Kipre povest će nas na izuzetnu gastro povijesnu večer pod nazivom 'OVO MESO PEČENO, PRIČEKAJMO VESELO!' (Mesna jela u tradicijskom kalendaru Župe dubrovačke).
Predavanje će se održati u Restoranu Portun u petak, 26. travnja, u 19 sati. Ulaz je slobodan!
Ivica Kipre obrađuje ulogu i upotrebu mesa u tradicijskoj gastronomiji Župe dubrovačke slijedeći ciklus godišnjih i životnih običaja. Kroz izlaganje se obrađuje i pučka terminologija, nazivi, recepti kao i društveno-kulturni kontekst pripreme i konzumacije takvih danas već pomalo zaboravljenih jela. Specičnosti tradicijske gastronomije Župe dubrovačke stavljaju se u suodnos s onima iz Dubrovačkog primorja i Konavala te se na taj način otkrivaju njihove sličnosti i razlike.
*Program je sufinanciran sredstvima TZO Župa dubrovačka i realizira se u suradnji s Dubrovačkim muzejima.
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We proudly present another lecture as part of the first 'Župski pjat' festival!
Based on available sources, literature, and oral tradition, the speaker, an ethnologist and senior curator at the Dubrovnik Museums, Ivica Kipre, will take us on an exceptional gastronomic-historical evening titled 'OVO MESO PEČENO, PRIČEKAJMO VESELO!' (Meat dishes in the traditional calendar of the Župa Dubrovnik region).
The lecture will take place at Restaurant Portun on Friday, April 26th, at 7PM. Entrance free!
Based on available sources, literature, and oral tradition lecturer Ivica Kipre explores the role and use of meat in the traditional gastronomy of Župa dubrovačka region, following the cycle of annual and life customs.
The presentation also covers folk terminology, names, recipes, as well as the socio-cultural context of the preparation and consumption of these somewhat forgotten dishes today. The specificities of the traditional gastronomy of the Župa dubrovačka region are compared with those of Dubrovačko Primorje and Konavle, thus revealing their similarities and differences.
The programme is supported by the Tourist Board of the Municipality of Župa Dubrovačka, in cooperation with the Dubrovnik Museums.