Kako je nekad bilo živjeti u Župi dubrovačkoj te što je za Župke značilo otići na placu, saznat ćete od petka do nedjelje, kada će se u restoranu Rzumarin u večernjim satima emitirati mini dokumentarac u trajanju od tek nešto više od 11 minuta.
Uz zahvalu RTS i dozvoli emitiranja emisije iz 'Dečije redakcije RTS ', uživajte u dokumentarcu 'Mala prodavačica tikvica' redatelja Vladimira Andrića, iz 1970. godine tijekom petka, subote i nedjelje.
*Film se koristi isključivo kao 'background' tijekom festivalskih večeri, a cilj emitiranja je kroz vizualne medije promovirati tradicionalnu gastronomiju i običaje našeg kraja te pružiti posjetiteljima besplatan doživljaj kulturne raznolikosti života nekad i sad.
Program prvog Župskog pjata podržala je Turistička zajednica Općine Župa dubrovačka, ali i brojni suradnici i volonteri.
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What was like to live in the Župa dubrovačka once, and what going to the green market (placa) meant for the Župa residents? From Friday to Sunday ,a mini-documentary lasting just over 11 minutes will be screened at the Razumarin restaurant during the evening hours.
With many thanks to RTS and permission to broadcast the show from the 'Children's Editorial Board of RTS', enjoy the documentary 'The Little Courgette Seller' directed by Vladimir Andrić, from 1970, during Friday, Saturday, and Sunday.
*The film is used exclusively as background during festival evenings, and the aim of the broadcast is to promote traditional gastronomy and customs of our region through visual media and provide visitors with a free experience of the cultural diversity of life then and now.
The programme of the first Župski pjat festival is supported by the Tourist Board of the Municipality of Župa dubrovačka, as well as numerous collaborators and volunteers.