Tko više voli povrće, a tko pečeno meso i patate? Saznali smo danas na dječjoj likovnoj radionici 'Jela moje babe', koju je na osunčanoj taraci, livadi Lokala One Suite Hotela vodila naša priznata mlada umjetnica, magistra likovne kulture i likovne umjetnosti Andrea Vukoja Prce.
Djeca su osim umjetničkog, doživjela i edukativni raspon radionice kroz komunikaciju i stručno umjetničko vodstvo akademske umjetnice kroz temu gastro-tradicije te rad na stolnim štafelajima.
Svi mali sudionici bili su izuzetno nestrpljivi čekajući da im se radovi osuše kako bi spremno pozirali i odnijeli svoja remek djela doma! Veseli nas čuti kako se kroz ovo jutro osjetila predivna umjetnička atmosfera u prostoru kao stvorenom za izvođenje umjetnosti - jedva čekamo neku novu radionicu naše Andree!
O voditeljici:
Nakon završetka splitske Akademije, Andrea je intenzivno počela stvarati umjetnička djela inspirirana motivima grada i narodnih nošnji s našeg područja, uz mnoge druge teme i ideje koje uspješno realizira. Osjetivši sve veću želju za približavanjem umjetnosti drugim ljudima razvija iznimne projekte likovnih radionica. Ovoga puta, i sama se vratila djetinjstvu, na likovnoj radionici inspiriranoj gastro-tradicijom.
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['JELA MOJE BABE' / ŽUPSKI PJAT] The children's art workshop held this Saturday @ Lokal!
Who prefers vegetables, and who prefers roasted meat and potatoes? We found out today at the children's art workshop 'Jela moje babe' (My Grandma's Dishes) led by our renowned young artist, master of fine arts and art, Andrea Vukoja Prce, on the sunny terrace of Lokal (One Suite Hotel).
In addition to the artistic experience, children also experienced the educational aspect of the workshop through communication and expert artistic guidance of the academic artist through the theme of gastro-tradition and work on table easels.
All the young participants were a bit impatient, waiting for their works to dry so they could pose proudly and take their masterpieces home! We are delighted to hear how this morning felt with a wonderful artistic atmosphere in the space, perfect for the performance of art - we can hardly wait for another workshop with our Andrea!
About the academic painter Andrea Vukoja Prce:
After completing the Split Academy, Andrea began to create artistic works inspired by the motifs of the city and folk costumes from our region, along with many other themes and ideas that she successfully realizes. Feeling an increasing desire to bring art closer to other people, she has developed exceptional projects of art workshops. This time, she herself returned to her childhood, to an art workshop inspired by gastro-tradition.
Fotografije Festivala / Photo by: Željka Milić Weddings